Written Scheme of Investigation
What is it?
A written scheme of investigation (WSI) is a document required by the local planning authority (LPA) which sets out the methodology for the archaeological works required. Put simply, the WSI sets out what type of archaeological service is going to be employed for the project and how that service is going to be performed.
The WSI will also have:
background information on the planning process to date
the geographical and topographical nature of the site
a brief summary of the historical and archaeological work completed within the vicinity
details of how the archaeological service will be provided and any contingences
details of any specific research goals
details of Heath & Safety to be adhered to
details of how the report will be completed
details of where and how the report and archive (the amalgamation of all material associated with the project) will be disseminated and preserved
If you think you might require a WSI or would like further information, please Contact Us