Church Archaeology

Historic Building Recording within a Church
Historic Building Recording within a Church
What is it?

Churches are predominantly historic structures that a distinctive part of our landscape and require maintenance, repairs or updating. 

In recent years, many churches have undergone renovations to make them more accessible to the general public with the installation of ramps, toilet facilities, internal alterations and pathways. 

Many church structures have also become community centres or domestic homes and therefore require alterations to make them fit for such purposes.

Churches, by their nature, can contain archaeological features as well as known and unknown human remains and so care is required when working in such sites in order that no unnecessary disturbance to human remains occurs.

We have undertaken many projects within churches and graveyards and have considerable experience of working with human remains ensuring the utmost respect is maintained throughout the development.

Watching Brief within a Church
Watching Brief within a Church
Service Trench within a Graveyard
Service Trench within a Graveyard