Desk Based Assessment
What is it?
A desk based assessment (or DBA) is a document created from gathering together all the available information on a specific area to try and estimate the archaeological or historical potential that area has.
This is achieved by reviewing a wide range of sources that can include, but is not limited to:
aerial photographs
LiDAR and other surveys (such as geophysical surveys)
various published and unpublished material
consulting archives in local museums, record offices and the relevant Historic Environment Record (HER)
A DBA will usually also contain a site visit to conduct a walk-over and photographic survey to identify any potential features of archaeological or historic interest.
A DBA is usually requested by the Local Planning Authority (LPA) to help inform their decisions on potential planning applications and is therefore created early on in the planning process.
If you think you might require a DBA or would like further information, please Contact Us